Destiny Discover
Walking in the footsteps of those with MS

Bishop Tonnos Catholic Secondary School prides itself on living out the virtues such as compassion, kindness, and inclusivity. BT's Culture of Life group V.O.I.C.E. (Voice of Innocent Children Empowered) promotes and organizes the school's involvement in the annual MS Walk. Students who are participating in the walk are given a set of footprints and are told to write their name as well as why they are walking on the footprints. These footprints are posted around the school in hopes of showing others how many people in our community are affected with MS.

In 2008, BT students first participated in the annual MS Walk in Hamilton. BT won first place in the High School Step Up Challenge, raising the most money and having the most students participate. BT continued to earn first place in 2009 and 2010. In 2011, BT came in second place. In four years, BT has raised a total of approximately $11,000 with approximately 70-80 students participating each year.

This event, which is organized and led by students, highlights the generosity and thoughtfulness of teenagers today who willingly sacrifice their time in living out the Gospel. It is evident that these students understand and are committed to the belief that we are called to see everyone as our neighbour and thus when one member suffers, we must be like the Good Samaritan and do our very best to help that individual.

Walking in the footsteps of those with MS