Destiny Discover
Literacy and Numeracy Support
Inspiring Your Child to Learn and Love Math

Inspiring Your Child to Learn and Love Math

When students understand mathematics, they are equipped with knowledge they can bring to every aspect of their lives. Inspiring Your Child to Learn and Love Math is a tool kit for parents. It provides modules with simple, but effective methods and materials for parents. It shows you how to get involved in your children's learning, and offers guidance for working with students of different ages.

This Parent Tool Kit was developed by experts in mathematics education, with input and advice from parents and students. When families and educators join forces, students of all ages can experience greater success in their learning. ...
At school, at home, at play…your child’s numeracy skills are always developing

At school, at home, at play…your child’s numeracy skills are always developing

At home, there are a lot of things you can do to help develop your child’s numeracy skills, here are just 6:

- Help your child develop a growth mindset about math.

- Talk about math and point out ways you use math everyday. Do math out loud. Add, subtract, multiply, divide, estimate…do it out loud so your child can hear your thinking.

- Play games that involve math with your child. Games that use dice and spinners (e.g., hide and seek, hopscotch, Snakes and Ladders, Sorry, and Trouble) help with counting. Games using playing cards (e.g., Snap and War) help with comparing and ordering numbers. Games that use strategy (e.g. Guess Who, Checkers, Labyrinth, Sequence, and Chess) help develop logic. Puzzles, Tangrams, Blokus, Nowhere to Go, Pentomino, Rush Hour, Q-Bitz, and Tetris help develop spatial reasoning. Monopoly and Life help with currency. Battleship helps children get familiar with the coordinate grid system.

- Make fractions part of your daily life. Use them when cooking, dividing up a cake, comparing who ate the most pizza…

- Point out patterns everywhere…in nature, shapes, floor tiles, numbers, cell phone plans…

- Read stories to them with math themes (refer to the “Link to Literacy”).

At Home Online Engagement and Support

There are a variety of online programs that can promote a love of mathematics and provide support for children. Here are a few that are available to the students of the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board:

Prodigy (
Prodigy is an online math game that allows your child to develop his/her numeracy skills while exploring various magical worlds. While most children have been given an account by their teacher, parents are able to link to their child’s account to view his/her progress.

SuccessMaker (
SuccessMaker (also known as Home Grown Math Success) is an adaptive online Math program for Grades 1 to 8 students that is aligned to the Ontario curriculum. If you are interested in having your child work on this program, please contact your child’s teacher.

e-math+ (
e-math+ is designed to support grade 3 to 6 students on their mathematical journey. It contains a variety of tools, such as videos, virtual manipulatives, and a glossary, that are helpful for children and parents as they work through their school work. Students access their e-math+ accounts from the website and log in using the information provided by their teachers.

Mathify (Click the Mathify icon within myClass):
Mathify (formerly known as Homework Help) is an innovative platform provided by TVO and the Ontario Ministry of Education. This site focuses on mathematical help for Ontario students. It is an enriched online classroom tool providing a seamless learning experience for Grade 7 – 10 students, as well as providing live after-school math tutoring with OCT math teachers.
Ontario Certified math tutors available 5:30-9:30pm ET, Sunday to Thursday.

For more ideas to help develop your child’s numeracy skills and online resources, please check out the PDFs below.

Adolescent Literacy: A Guide for Parents

Adolescent Literacy: A Guide for Parents

OSSLT Information and Resources OSSLT Information and Resources

OSSLT Information and Resources

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) is a provincially mandated test of reading and writing and is administered yearly to all Grade 10 students. This year the OSSLT will be written on March 30, 2017.

The purpose of the OSSLT is to ensure that students have acquired the essential reading and writing skills that apply to all subject areas in the Ontario curriculum up to, and including, the end of grade 9. All students working toward an Ontario Secondary School Diploma are required to write the OSSLT in Grade 10. Students who have been eligible to write the OSSLT at least once and have been unsuccessful at least once are allowed to fulfill the requirement through the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC). Student must pass the OSSLT or the OSSLC in order to graduate.

Secondary students who are preparing for the OSSLT can access further support for additional literacy skills practice through myCLASS at

For student access to myClass, please see the PDF instructions below.

Additionally, students may go the EQAO website at and click on STUDENT. Once in the Student Resource area, students can click on Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test to access examples of the assessment and scoring guides to see what the test looks like and how it is scored.

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e-math+ is a comprehensive digital learning tool built to support your child’s mathematics education in grades 3-6. It is designed to provide tools to reinforce your child’s learning, while also providing resources to assist you in supporting your child at home.

Resource Sites - Student and Parents

Doing Mathematics / Reading and Writing with Your Child

Doing Mathematics / Reading and Writing with Your Child

Parents are encouraged to support their child’s ongoing development of their literacy and numeracy skills. Here are some helpful resources.

Doing Math with Your Child Parent Guide K-Grade 6 ...

Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB)

Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB)

The Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB) provides teachers, students, and parents (Kindergarten through Grade 12) with access to thousands of learning/educational resources created by the Ministry of Education and teachers from publically funded schools across Ontario.

The OERB houses over 23,000 teaching and learning resources aligned with Ontario curriculum expectations, and in many cases, Catholic graduate expectations, including:

interactive multimedia objects

Students can use these resources to help improve their understanding of concepts studied. Parents can use materials from this site to further support their children’s learning at home and to help with homework and/or assignments.

All available resources found on the Ontario Educational Resource Bank are searchable by keyword, grade, course/subject, strand, expectation, learning style, and/or file format and can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Helping Children Learn Newslettters - 2012