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Our Logo
Our Logo

Our Logo

Rich in symbolism, this logo reflects the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board’s enduring commitment to “Believing, Achieving, Serving”. The two principal elements of the design – students and the cross – together create a beautiful image that suggests a flower in bloom. The students, like the seeds of a flower, are carefully nurtured so that they may blossom and bloom to their full potential. The upward thrust of the logo signifies a culture of growth, of reaching upwards and striving for excellence.

The image of students arranged in tiers suggests the continuum of learning: elementary, secondary, and adult/continuing education. The different colours depict the complementary nature of male and female: they are equal but different. Each side of the logo is a triad, stressing the importance of the partnership of home, parish and school as well as the communion of persons within the Holy Trinity, and hinting at 50-year time blocks in the history of Catholic education in Hamilton-Wentworth.

At the core of the logo is the Cross, the Tree of Life, to symbolize the centrality of Jesus Christ in Catholic Education, and to remind us of the bond with Christ, with one another, and with the earth: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself.” (John 12:32)