Destiny Discover
Inclement Weather
Important Information

Important Information

All school closures and/or transportation cancellations will be announced on HWCDSB and HWSTS websites and Twitter/Facebook accounts and communicated to the local media by 6:30 a.m. or earlier, whenever possible.

HWCDSB Website

HWCSDB Twitter Account

HWCDSB Facebook Account

Hamilton-Wentworth Student Transportation Services
1-800-691-6402 or 905-523-2318

Y108 FM
Energy 95.3 FM
900 CHML
Lite 92.1 FM
Arise AM 1380
Hot Country 93.9

CHCH TV Morning Live
(Channel 11)

The Hamilton Spectator

CBC Hamilton

Parents/guardians should take notice of the following guidelines:

Parents/guardians should take notice of the following guidelines:

Parents should monitor the Board webpage and social media for weather reports and school board announcements. Updates will also be provided by Hamilton and area radio and television stations.

In the event of severe weather conditions, schools may still be open, even if transportation is cancelled. Parents/guardians should consider the unique situation of their neighbourhood (e.g., weather and road conditions) when determining if it is safe to send their children to school. Parents/guardians have the ultimate say in deciding whether to keep their children home.

Parents who, in spite of transportation cancellation, drive their children to school, should ensure that their children can get into the school and will be required to make the necessary arrangements for the safe return home of their children at the end of the day or in the event of an early closure. Buses which do not run in the morning will not run for the rest of the day.

Phone calls to the school during severe weather conditions are to be made only in the case of extreme emergency.

Parents are requested to provide the school with the name and telephone number of an alternate, (someone who lives in close proximity to the home) who would be willing to act on their behalf in the event that they cannot be reached.

Please note: should it be necessary to close schools as a result of inclement weather, students studying at the HWCDSB Virtual School will continue to learn as normal. For all other students, teachers will post asynchronous learning material on the myClass LMS no later than 10:00 a.m. These learning resources will be a reinforcement and supplement to assist students in extending their learning.

Community Use of Schools

Weekday evening rental bookings are automatically cancelled when schools are closed during the day due to inclement weather.

For Weekend Tournament bookings, school closure and subsequent rental cancellations are at the discretion of the Director of Education and are done so before 7am. Every effort will be made to co-ordinate snow removal and school opening for these events, however in severe instances, opening may be delayed or cancelled.