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HWCDSB Mental Health and Addiction Strategy 2022-2025

The HWCDSB is committed to creating conditions for social and emotional well-being and supporting the positive mental health of students and staff. Mental health and well-being are issues of everyday life that impact families, schools, workplaces, institutions, neighbourhoods, and communities and are impacted by the quality of those settings.

Organizational conditions within the HWCDSB which support positive mental health include:
• Commitment;
• Mental Health Leadership Teams;
• Assessment of Need & Capacity;
• Communication & Shared Language; and,
• Broad Collaboration.

The HWCDSB Mental Health and Addiction Strategy 2022-2025 not only identifies priority areas within each of these conditions, but areas of focus and key activities by which these organizational conditions are achieved.

As we move forward into the next three years, we continue to focus on mental health literacy and strategies for wellness, with an emphasis on supporting those priority populations that were disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We want our students and staff to know that HWCDSB cares.

HWCDSB Mental Health and Addiction Strategy 2022-2025