Destiny Discover
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Summer Program 2022

The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board Child and Youth Workers are facilitating social-emotional learning (SEL) evidence-based groups to assist students and parents in developing and strengthening the skills required in building positive relationships and learning effective problem-solving strategies consistent with our Catholic teachings and the view that all children should be treated with dignity as they are each created in the image of God.

All of the HWCDSB groups are evidence informed and will be available for students throughout July and August 2022. Registration is open until June 30, 2022.


Summer groups for students

Girls in Real Life Situations
– In this group, girls are given the opportunity to feel empowered, gain self-awareness, develop coping strategies, improve problem-solving skills, understand that they are not alone, and learn to make healthy decisions (Grades 4-6 & 7-8)

Building Champions – The group lessons cover the following topics: Goal Setting, Integrity and Respect, Relationships, Leadership and Teamwork, Self-Control, Confidence, Being a Good Sport (Grades 4-6 & 7-8)

Salvaging Sisterhood – is a group curriculum designed to teach girls how to effectively communicate with one another, as opposed to about one another. It explores the important dynamics of female friendships and is designed to develop empathy and strong sense of self (Grades 6-8)

Dove Self-Esteem Group – For girls, building self-esteem and body confidence can be an ongoing journey. The Dove Self-Esteem Project is an evidence-based group for girls on the key topics that can impact a young person’s self-esteem and body image (Grades 4-6 & 7-8)

Click here to register for any of these groups.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Summer Program 2022